Here {Friday Five Minute Post}

It’s Five Minute Friday! I am linking up again with our awesome host, Lisa-Jo. She gives us one word each week and asks us just to write for five minutes. Our word for this week…


The first thing I think of is the saying…Here today, gone tomorrow. Then James 4:14 comes to my mind…


Why am I Here?

I am here because God made me and I am to praise and worship him.

I am here to learn and grow and share God’s love.

I am here to love and support my husband.

I am here to love, teach, and guide the three children God blessed us with.

I am here to help and encourage others.

I am here to do all these things until God calls me home.

My prayer is that when I am not here anymore that I will be remembered for these things.

Why are you Here? What do you want to be remembered for?

Is there something you need to change in your life or someone you need to talk to? We are not promised tomorow so do what you need to do while you are still here.

Five Minute Friday

Facing Fear: A letter to my chihuahua

Picture from Desktop Inspirations

I am linking up with my fellow God-sized dreamers this week and we are talking about fear. Holley has asked us to write a letter to fear. I love how she describes fear as a chihuahua in her book…

“Fear hangs out right next to whatever it is you’re most called to do. That means the closer you get to your calling, the louder fear sounds. Keep going–fear is a chihuahua that sounds like a Doberman.” — You’re Made for a God-sized Dream, Chapter Five

Dear Chihuahua of Fear, I have some things I’d like to say to you…

I love to get outside and walk. I have walked a lot of miles over the years without hearing you bark. Those were the years where I was walking on my own path, doing what I wanted to do, and not stepping out of my comfort zone.

Now I have my Savior walking beside me and leading me. He leads me to new and unexplored places. All of a sudden a hear a lot of barking and feel something nipping at my heels.

At first I don’t see you…I just hear you and feel you. My imagination goes wild and my heart beats fast and hard. I am not sure I will survive.

I hold Jesus’ hand and ask him to help me, to save me. In his sweet voice he tells me to turn around.

It is just you…a loud, but very small dog. I can’t believe I almost stopped walking because of you. It is time for you to go home and stay out of my way. I am enjoying the new places where I am walking and can’t wait to see where I go.

Do you struggle with chihuahuas in your life? It is time to tell them to go home. Face your fears with Jesus by your side. Let him lead and guide you to new and wonderful places.

Join us over at Holley’s to see what my fellow dreamers tell their chihuahuas.

Blessings to You,

Heart Full of Joy

There is nothing sweeter to a Mom than hearing that their child has accepted Jesus!


Yesterday was a very special day for us…my daughter asked Jesus into her heart! She has been asking a lot of questions so I figured it would not be long. My boys left church with my Mom so we had some “girl time” on the way to meet them for lunch.

When we got to the restaurant I turned around and her eyes were closed. I asked her if she was tired and she said, “No, I’m praying.” My heart skipped a beat as I waited on her to open her eyes. When she did, she smiled and told me she had asked Jesus to live in her heart. Then she said we needed to go right back to church so she could get baptized. 🙂 We couldn’t do that but I will be signing her up for the New Christians class and scheduling a time for her to be baptized as soon as possible.

During the day I wondered if she really understood what she had done – she is only 6 years old. By the end of the day I had absolutely no doubts. She loves “her Jesus” and wants to live for him.

She was the last…all three of my babies will join me in Heaven one day. I had the privilege of being right there and talking to two of them as they gave their lives to Christ. My oldest was at school and went to his teacher after chapel. I will never forget Mrs. Martin and the influence she had on my child.

My heart is filled with joy because all three of them are saved, but it is only the beginning. My job of teaching them and showing them doesn’t stop now. I want them to have a strong relationship with God now and throughout their lives.

I am very open about my faith and my faults. They see me working on my Bible study and they enjoy theirs. It is such a wonderful feeling when we are all learning and growing with God.

Only God knows what is in their future but I pray that they will seek him and live a life that is pleasing to him. I am so thankful for my three blessings. I also pray that I will be the mother that God wants me to be.

Thanks for letting me share!

Blessings to You,

Why Dream?

I am still dreaming the dream…linking up with Holley Gerth and the rest of the Dream Team this week to talk about the “why” of our dreams. Won’t you join us?

Are you a dreamer? If you are, you must get a copy of Holley’s book, “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream“. It is like sitting down with a long time friend. She will encourage you, challenge you, and prepare you for going after your own God-sized dream.

One part of the book that has changed the way I look at my dream is when she said,

“It’s about a relationship. God is not all that interested in your getting things done. If he made the world in seven days, there’s nothing he can’t check off his to-do list without your help. What he wants on this journey to your dream is intimacy with you. Success is simply this: obedience.”

I have learned that it is about spending time with God, finding his will for my life, and completely depending on him. This has changed all areas of my life, not just pursuing my dream.

I feel stronger, more confident, and much more willing to step out of my comfort zone. I am changing and growing and willing to do whatever he calls me to do.

One of the hardest things for me that I am working on, and will probably always have to work on, is Patience. I am learning to Be Still.


I have big dreams – things that I had never even imagined I could do – but I can tell he wants me to do a little at a time. He knows me so well and knows that I usually take on way too much and then get completely burned out. I’ve got to learn to go slow and steady.

So why Dream?

My first and most important “why” is that I am growing closer to God and following his will for my life.

Another “why” is to be an example to my children so that they can see what an amzing God we have and that he desires to have a relationship with us. I want them to know that God has given them certain gifts and has wonderful plans for their lives.

My other “why” is because I believe he made me to encourage others. I have never felt worthy enough to do that but he has shown me that I can help others through my experiences. I just have to be willing to open up and share.

So my friend, what are your dreams? I’d love to hear about them and your why.

Broken {Five Minute Friday Post}

It’s Five Minute Friday! I am linking up again with our awesome host, Lisa-Jo. She gives us one word each week and asks us just to write for five minutes. Our word for this week…


I have to tell you this word hits hard this morning. I went to bed feeling broken.

This has been a very hard week on our family. All five of us ended up with the awful stomach virus. I am so thankful for my husband who didn’t have it quite as bad and took care of all of us. As always though, when I get sick the house becomes a mess and my patience is not quite what it should be.

I let all of the clutter, the cleaning, the to do list get the best of me. I started doubting my ability to be a good wife and mom. AND it is the week of Easter…even more than normal to get done!


I have to tell you that today started off with a reminder of what IS important from my 9 and 6 year olds.

My 6 year old asked why we call today Good Friday because it was a sad day because Jesus died. My 9 year old told her that it really was good because he died for our sins and Sunday makes it all worth it because he comes back.


Broken takes on a whole new meaning for me…I get tired and stressed and overwhelmed but nothing compares to what He did for me.

My Savior waas broken and battered and hung on that cross for me. He gave his life for me. For Me!

You know what…the clutter will be picked up when we have time, the cleaning will get done at some point, and the to do list will be waiting to be done.

What HAS to be done this weekend is thanking and praising our Lord and Savior that He was willing to come to this earth and die such a horrible death just to take away my sin.

We will make our resurrection rolls, enjoy our time together and with our extended family, and go to church, but my prayer for me and my family is that we will focus on what Easter really means and that we will carry that throughout the whole year.

Five Minute Friday

Finding Joy

It’s Tuesday again…a time when we link up with other God-sized Dreamers and share our thoughts, our struggles, and our dreams. This week Holley has asked, “What brings you joy?”

JOY…this word makes me start singing a song that I learned as a child…”I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart”. Are you singing it now?

I used to thing joy was just another word for happy. Now I see happy as just a feeling, something that changes very easily. Joy is what I am full of no matter what the circumstances. Joy is what fills me up when I am thankful. Joy comes from trusting God.

In this life we can’t be happy all of the time, but we can be joyful!



A book that helped change my view of life was Ann VosKamp’s, One Thousand Gifts. I learned that joy comes from being thankful, even in the hard times. Eucharisto.

When we change our negative thoughts into thankful thoughts our whole world changes. The laundry that has piled up means we have lots of clothes to wear. The kids fussing reminds me that we were blessed with three healthy children that need to learn and practice God’s love.

Is it easy to find joy when you are tired and weary? No, but oh so worth it!

Have you ever counted your blessings, giving thanks for the little things? Ann helps us by providing us with a monthly Joy Dare and lots of free tools. She helps remind us to live fully and find joy in the simple things.

So, what brings me joy?

When I spend time with my Savior and He fills my soul. Knowing that God made me for a purpose and He is using me to glorify Him.

Hearing (and maybe even singing out loud) a song that says what I am feeling or needed to hear. Watching my children as they sleep.

My husband filling my van up with gas or going to the grocery store so I don’t have to.

Hearing the birds sing, Watching the sun come up. I could go on and on because I have so many things to be thankful for. Things that bring me true Joy.

Now it’s your turn…what brings you Joy?

Join us over at Holley’s to see where other dreamers find Joy!

Blessings to You!

Wanting More

It’s Tuesday! This week Holley asked us…What do you really want more of in your life? Will you dare to say it out loud?

If you had asked me this question 10 years ago you would have gotten a completely different answer. Back then I wanted a bigger house, better car, to go on trips, you know…all the things society tells us we should want. It didn’t help that my self-confidence was low so I also thought I had to have these things to fit in and have others like me.

Wow – that was hard to write. I wanted to go back and delete that but I couldn’t. Was that really me? As much as I hate to admit it, it was. I bought into what the world was telling me. That was also a time in my life when I didn’t have a very close relationship with God.

I am overwhelmed with emotions right now realizing how far I have come and how different I am.

I have been through some rough times over the past few years and now I can look back and see that God was bringing me to my knees so I would look up to Him. He pursued me because He loves me.

I can now say that I am thankful for those tough times. I now know what is important and what I want more of in my life.

I want hugs and kisses from my husband and kids. I want silly times and hard times that bring us closer. I want to be a good friend and encourage those around me. I just want to be me because God created me and has a purpose just for me.

I want God’s light to shine through me and live a life that glorifies Him.


What am I giving up for my wants?

I am giving up the worry and stress of being who everyone else wants me to be. I am giving up the wants of our society. I am giving up things that take time away from my family. I am giving up things that keep me from going after my God-sized Dream!

What do YOU want more of in your life? Are you willing to give up things to get it?
Please let me know how I can pray for you.

Blessings to You,
Join us over at Holley’s to see what other dreamers want more of in their lives.

What is Your God-Sized Dream?

If you have visited before, you know that I have been blessed to be a part of Holley’s God-sized Dream Team! I got an advanced copy of her new book and I can tell you…It is Amazing! Holley is so encouraging and it feels like she is right beside you throughout the whole book. Make sure to get your copy today and start pursuing your God-sized Dreams!

(Check out the review I wrote at Amazon)

Have you ever wondered what if? Do you feel God tugging at your heart? Do you believe there is something you are meant to do?

Guess what? YOU were made for a God-sized dream and Holley Gerth can help you get started. In Holley’s new book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream, she tells us…

”It’s not how big or small they (dreams) are, because he creates each one to perfectly fit the size of your heart. It’s not about what you do as much as how you do it. It’s about pursuing life with passion and purpose and going with God wherever he leads.”

Don’t let lies and fear keep you from becoming who God wants you to be and doing what he created you to do. Reading this book is like having Holley right beside you, encouraging you, telling you that it can be done. She challenges you with the Go Deeper Guide at the end of each chapter. She reminds you that,

“As much as it may seem like we’re up against the impossible, there’s nothing God can’t do. Anything is possible with him. That means if this God-sized dream is truly one he’s planted in your heart, he will make it happen no matter what. Your God-sized dream is invincible in his hands.”

So my friend, the time is Now. Don’t wait any longer to grow closer to God by following his will for your life. Get your copy, open your heart and start dreaming, and join us over at Holley’s blog for some heart felt discussions and encouragement.

Blessings to You,

A Letter to the God-sized Dreamers

Welcome Friend!

Holley has asked for our next “do what you can” step for our God-sized dream to be a post entitled “A Letter to the God-sized Dreamers” telling our sisters why what they’re doing and who they’re becoming through this process is worth it–even on the hard days.

As I sat and thought about what to write to my sweet sisters, this post came up from Joel Osteen Ministries…

Don’t think of all the reasons it’s not going to work. God wouldn’t have given you the dream unless He already had a way to bring it to pass.

Dear Sisters and Fellow Dreamers,

YOU are Amazing!! God made you so special and so unique!

He put a dream in your heart that only you can fulfill. He knew there would be tough times and times of uncertainty. That is why He brought all of us together – to love and encourage each other.

It helps me to remember that I have the One who made the universe right beside me. Anything is possible when He is in control.

I don’t know about you, but I have changed and continue to change through this journey. Holley reminds us in her book, “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream”, that fulfilling your dream is not the end. It is the journey and having a closer relationship with our Father that is important. He just wants us to rely on Him and draw closer to Him.

So, my sweet sister, keep going. Take one step at a time. Continue to pray for guidance and clarity. And know that I am here for you if you need me, but most importantly your Heavenly Father is always near and ready to wrap you in His strong arms when you are at your weakest.

Do Not Be Afraid

I am so blessed to be a part of this team – a team of courageous and beautiful women!

Remember – there could never be a more Beautiful YOU!

Love the song ~ More Beautiful You ~ by Jonny Diaz!
There could never be a more beautiful you
Don’t buy the lies disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you

Blessings to You!

Would you like to meet some of these amazing dreamers? Join us over at Holley’s blog. Get ready to be inspired!

Letting Go and Watching God Work

Have you ever had to let go of a family member and let them make decisions that could destroy them?

I have been there with my own niece. This was the child that was born when I was 18. The little, curly headed girl with those big, brown eyes that I loved so dearly. My brother and his wife divorced when she was little so she spent a lot of weekends with us. We cuddled, watched cartoons, and read lots of books.

I finally hid the book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish because she made me read it soooo many times. My children know about this so each time they pull it out for me to read it, they laugh and remind me that I had to read it over and over to my niece.

She was the little girl who cuddled and slept with me the night before I got married and looked like a princess as my flower girl.

She was the young lady that I watched excel at school and at soccer.

I was blessed to take her and my oldest son to Chicago when she was in high school…such wonderful memories from that trip!

Then she was the girl who went off to college, met the wrong people, got hooked on drugs, and became someone I didn’t know anymore.

My heart broke…it broke for her…it broke for my brother. There was nothing we could do but give it all to God and pray.

The hardest part was when she was arrested with some others for stealing. They were stealing to buy drugs. It was devastating for us for her to be in jail but I knew in my heart that she had to hit rock bottom before she would start looking up.

I can finally say that this story has a happy middle…not end…because I believe God has a plan for her and I can’t wait to see what He does through her.

I was so inspired and so proud of her last month. She invited us to Celebrate Recovery at our church and she received her 1 year pin. One year of being clean…one year of slowly giving her life to God…one year of repairing relationships.

It was hard to hear her say that she couldn’t remember the last few years of her life, but what a testimony she has now.

God works miracles…I have seen it with my own eyes!

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” John 11:40

Sometimes when I am feeling down or not sure if I can do what God is asking me to do, I think of my niece. God can change people, He can do extraordinary things in your life, you just have to be willing and believe.


Blessings to You!