My One Word for 2016 ~ Discipline


As the last hours wind down to 2015, I am happy to be on my couch with a fire roaring and football on the TV ~ just a night at home with my family.

This year was a year of growth and stepping out of my comfort zone. My word this year was Hope. I realized that hope is not just a feeling or expectations. Hope is actually a person and my rock. No matter what happens in this life, I have Hope.

I started back to school this year (after a lot of years) to get my ESOL certificate. I thought that one day I might go back to teaching. I also went on a few interviews just to see what was out there. I ended up disappointed each time I didn’t get the position, especially when I felt like I would be great. I finally figured this wasn’t the year for me to go back and then it all happened very quickly. An interview on Monday, offer on Tuesday, and then putting in my two-week notice at UGA. Now I know my Father had this position at LHS waiting just for me. The people I work with are amazing!

I also loaded up in May and drove to Tuscaloosa by myself to meet other advocates for Sole Hope. I started the weekend knowing one person and left with several “sole” sisters ~ ladies that I can easily talk to and know that they pray for me. This is also when God took going to Africa from “someday” to January 2016! I still can’t believe I am going to Uganda in a few weeks. I do get stressed at times about raising the money to go, but I know deep down that my Father will provide.

I am excited to see what all this next year holds. I have to tell you that my word for 2016 was not something I expected. The word consistent had been spinning around in my head for the past few months, but as I began to read and pray about my word I realized that Discipline was a better fit.

I need discipline in all areas of my life ~ spiritual, mental, physical, and relational. I can get too focused on one area of my life and neglect the rest.

I have certainly enjoyed the quiet mornings with my Spark and Bible during our break, but I know those days are coming to an end (except on weekends). I may not be able to have those relaxing mornings during the week, but I will still start my day off with prayer and a quick devotion. I will have to make time in the evening to study and write in my journal. Writing at night may work better for me. I can write out my blessings, my fears, my frustrations, and my prayers for the day. I might even sleep better after giving it all to my Father.

My health is one area that I have neglected the past few months. It is time for me to be more disciplined ~ making sure to take my vitamins and supplements each day and exercising. I have already pinned some quick exercises on those days when I run out of time. I also want to cook healthier for me and my family. Time to use some of those Pinterest recipes and menu planners.

Discipline will be key for me this year, but the results will be worth it ~ staying in God’s Word, focusing on the important things in life, getting healthier, and stronger relationships. Bring on 2016!
