The Bible {mini series}

Did you watch The Bible mini series? We sure did and all I could say when it was over was…Amazing!


I loved that my children counted down the hours each Sunday until it came on and made sure I had the DVR on so they could see the rest of the episode or watch the whole thing again during the week.

It was challenging for me because my inquisitive 9-year-oldĀ kept asking me questions about the stories. He was not happy that they skipped so many parts but could you imagine how long it would take to cover the whole Bible?

I am a visual person so watching Jesus get beat and crucified was very hard for me. I can’t imagine how Mary felt watching her son go through that agony. I kept thinking about what he went through to save me. It made me even more thankful on that Easter Sunday that he died and rose again.

I wasn’t sure about letting my 6-year-old stay up and watch the crucifixion but she begged because she wanted to see “her Jesus”. She crawled up in my lap and we watched in silence, trying to fight back the tears.

When it was over she jumped out of my lap, grabbed some paper and a pen and started drawing. She drew Jesus on the cross and gave it to me. In her sweet, soft voice she told me that she didn’t want her Jesus to go through that. She wanted to take her own punishment so he wouldn’t have to.

Tears still come to my eyes when I think of her saying that.

We explained to her that he has already done that for us. He made the way for us to have a relationship with him and spend forever with him.

She loves her Jesus and has been asking a lot of questions about asking Jesus into her heart. My heart will be full and I know the angels will be singing when she makes that decision.

I want to thank those that made this mini series. Millions of people watched it and turned to their Bibles to check facts or to learn more. I pray that many lives will be changed.

So what did you think about the series? I’d love to hear your thoughts or stories you would like to share.

Blessings to You,