Step Out~Trust God~Go Deeper

Don’t you just love it when our Father sends us messages? He reminds us that He is there and that He loves us so very much!

The past few weeks have just been hard for me. I felt like I had lost my direction and was so frustrated about things in my life. If you read my last post, you will know that part of the problem was not spending enough time with God so that I could feel Him near and hear Him speak to me.

Well my sweet Father has been speaking to me loud and clear over the past few days. I have to admit it makes me feel so special and loved when He does it. 🙂

One thing I have realized is that I am trying to do way too many things. All good things, but too many for me to handle. I just end up feeling overwhlemed and can’t do anything well. I have to slow down and focus on what God wants me to do right now.

Isn’t it funny that Jeff Goins issued The Slow Down Challenge just when I needed it? This challenge helps us

  • Live with greater intentionality
  • Have better focus
  • And develop deeper relationships.

I also felt like our pastor was speaking directly to me Sunday. He taught from Matthew 14:22-33…when Peter steps out of the boat. Here are some of my notes…

  • The disciples didn’t recognize Jesus at first ~ When Jesus doesn’t move like we think He will, we panic. We try to take control or just settle and go back to where we started.
  • Jesus tells Peter to “Come” ~ Jesus wants us to step out on faith, He wants us to take the next step.
  • As you take the next step, here are some things to remember…
  • Focus determines direction – what are you focused on?
  • Distractions and other voices are everywhere – who are you listening to?
  • Jesus has the power to rescue you – do you trust Him?
  • We grow through our stuggles
  • Do we TRUST that God is really in control?
  • Keep following and trusting Him because He is faithful.

Step Out ~ Trust God ~ Go Deeper!

And if all of that wasn’t enough, the title to the blog for our study yesterday was “Hearing God’s Voice“. Lysa gave us five questions to ask ourselves when we are trying to discern God’s voice…


This week I am taking time to slow down and listen for my Father’s voice. I need help figuring out what I need to be doing for Him and what I need to give up. I want to follow His plan for my life. I want to step out of the boat with unwaivering faith and say “Yes” to whatever He asks me to do. I may struggle or be scared but I have to remember that He is faithful and will never leave me.

How about you? Are you hearing His voice? Are there changes that you need to make in your life so that you can follow the dreams He has put in your heart? I’d love to hear from you so that I can pray for you.

Blessings to You,